Comfrey: Your Skin’s New Best Friend

Comfrey is a beautiful plant with large green leaves and purple flowers, which is native to areas of Europe and Siberia. This amazing plant is useful in many ways, so let’s go over a few!

The comfrey plant is used here at Clawfoot Herbals, for its skin benefits, so we will start there. It contains tannins, rosmarinic acids, and allantoin, which are all beneficial in skin regeneration. This plant also has astringent properties that help the surface of the skin to appear tighter and firmer. Due to the allantoin contained in comfrey, it can help diminish dark spots and acne. Comfrey has also been shown to help ease a number of skin conditions like eczema, diaper rash, and psoriasis

Your hair and scalp are another part of your body that can also benefit from the wonders of comfrey because it can help combat dry scalp, which, in turn, helps with hair growth. I like to brew a strong comfrey tea and use it as a hair rinse or soak. But you could also infuse the herb into and oil and use that as a hair oil or mask.

Comfrey can also offer you internal benefits, as well! A simple tea made with comfrey leaves can offer you many vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A, C, E, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. It can help speed up the healing of wounds, even helping to mend broken bones. The tea can be used as a mouth wash to help combat a variety of dental problems, and strengthen teeth. Your digestive system can also benefit from comfrey because it can help stimulate the system as a whole.

At Clawfoot Herbals, I use comfrey infused oil in all of my whipped body butters to utilize the skin healing benefits, but I also offer it as a stand along salve and oil that it safe to apply to irritated skin and very minor abrasions.

*Do not apply to open wounds *


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