The Power of White Pine

I have always found White Pine trees to be so majestic and beautiful, with their tall stature yet delicate and long needles. They can be found all over the place where I live in New England, and I would always find fallen branches when I went out hiking in my area. This got me to thinking; what can I do with these needles? Are these a gift from the tree that I shouldn’t be passing by so casually? So, I got to researching, and my love of working with plants began!

White Pine needles have a variety of uses, but my favorite use for them is as a serum for my face. They are packed with polyphenols that can help repair damaged skin cells, which in turn, helps combat wrinkles. In addition, they are high in vitamins A and C, which can be found in many of the serums that you will find on store shelves all over. Personally, I used a vitamin c serum on my face, neck and chest on a daily basis, so I decided to swap out the product I was using (which was filled with junk) to a simple oil infusion using local white pine needles.

This amazing plant can also be used for internal issues as well, including chest congestion, cough, bronchitis, laryngitis and many other upper respiratory infections. These needles are also antimicrobial, which means they help to fight bacteria and other various microbes.

For internal usage, I like to make a simple tea in a french press or something similar with local honey, and drink it often when I feel a couch or chest congestion coming on. Or, another great option, is to infuse local honey with the pine needles themselves, and that honey can be eaten straight up, or added to beverages and food.

Clawfoot Herbals sells a White Pine Face serum meant to harness the skin healing benefits of the needles, and that product can be found right in the shop! The infusion is always made with local pine needles, organic oils, and lots of love fro


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