First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to check out Clawfoot Herbals, it really means the world to me!

Working with plants and all manner of Mother Nature’s gifts has always been a passion of mine since a very young age. I grew up in a house tucked in the woods of New England where I would spend all of my time playing as a child, and my mother and both grandmothers we avid gardeners and flower lovers. So, my comfort zone has always been the garden and the forest, which has stuck with me all this time.

I’ve always known that my life’s purpose would be helping people be healthy on the inside and outside, and to aid others in becoming the best version of themselves. But this took me a while to pinpoint quite the right fit for myself, working mostly in a variety of coffee shops for a lot of my adult life. No matter where I was working, though, I would always be experimenting with herbs and botanicals in my free time, which would help me ease the stress of my day to day job, while making fun and useful gifts for friends and family, while also making home remedies for myself and those same loved one.

This is how Clawfoot Herbals was born, out of pure passion and love for humans and for nature, and finding the bridge between the two. My products and goods come from the heart, and I know that I have found my calling through this divine work. I wouldn’t be here without the wisdom of my elders and the support of my loved ones, so, from the bottom of my heart, I thank you endlessly for being apart of my tribe.

Ashley Mae

The Founder of Clawfoot Herbals

From the Earth,

for the body